Indexing 10324 tweets by @Kudusch.

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If you want to see a really nice piece of #SciComm, check out this video on the ethics of #exoskeletons. It’s based on research by my ex-@RadioQ colleague @AlexKapeller and does a great job of showing the relevance of their work and why they are looking into that topic. #wisskomm…

2021-10-20 11:56

@chainsawriot True, both wouldn’t be great. But I’d prefer underscores over lower/upper-casing.

But naming packages is hard anyway. Concise, memorable, readable and informative names are tough to come up with :)

2021-10-14 19:51

@chainsawriot It would be easier if underscores were allowed in package names. Just have the same rules for package names as for variables, like in python.

2021-10-14 18:23

Learning anything about how the net is organized, I’m always completely baffled that it actually works. And I’m glad that there are people who know what’s going on and can explain it so clearly like @ben_eater:…

2021-10-12 19:53

@chainsawriot As always, there is a relevant xkcd:

2021-10-05 20:30

@mipstian Great update, thank you! Love it :)

2021-10-02 21:41

@kbczk @foj2021 Looking forward to it!

2021-09-24 13:05

The last day of @FoJ2021 starts with my colleague @ZwiZwaSvens presenting findings on the crisis reaction of journalism during the first year of the pandemic. If you are part of #FoJ2021 join Session 4 "COVID-19 through a global lens"!

2021-09-24 08:09

@Afelia Direkt nach unseren Vorträgen auf der @foj2021 geht's für mich zur Demo!

2021-09-24 08:07

Kurzgesagt trifft hier (mal wieder) den Nagel auf den Kopf. Um die Klimakatastrophe anzugehen, braucht es globalen, systemischen Wandel in buchstäblich allen Bereichen unserer Wirt- und Gesellschaft, inkl. unseren individuellen Entscheidungen/Gewohnheiten

2021-09-23 22:22

@chainsawriot @RayTski Or as Douglas Adams put it:

2021-09-23 14:03

I feel like this issue of being desensitized to regular, but still horrible events will be relevant in climate reporting in the coming years as well. At what point will the ongoing floods and wildfires be not relevant enough anymore to report?

2021-09-22 08:44

In @garyyounge​s keynote at ​@foj2021 he reflects on the issue of the newsworthiness of repeatedly occurring events and cites the classic "dog bites man" example of a non-newsworthy story and asks "Why aren't we asking who owns these dogs and why do they keep biting people?"

2021-09-22 08:44

Younge connects this to the (under-)reporting of violent crimes against POC in the UK and the US. Shootings or "knife crimes" are perceived as so commonplace by journalists that they aren't deemed newsworthy enough to regularly report.

2021-09-22 08:44

Aber das Lied der Grünen war so ✨cringe✨…

2021-09-21 18:59

@chainsawriot Maybe something like Kuhns paradigm shifts?

2021-09-15 18:28

@MinimalistPass Now I disconnected the Mac from the internet, enabled iCloud Drive, unchecked the desktop/documents sync, turned wifi back on and hoped for the best. It did work eventually, so Minimalist is now working perfectly :)

2021-09-12 14:52

@MinimalistPass You can disable the desktop/documents folder sync, but it’s enabled by default. The merging process is also very slow when there is a lot of data involved and not transparent on what exactly happens when merging. At one point all files were in a weird limbo state. Scary stuff.

2021-09-12 14:50

@MinimalistPass Sure! I got two accounts set up on my Mac (one for work, one for personal stuff). Last time I enabled iCloud Drive, my Desktop and Documents folders were destroyed by the sync/merging of the two existing “versions”. I had to recover the lost data from a backup.

2021-09-12 14:45

@MinimalistPass I didn’t know that! I thought e.g. @agenda was syncing through iCloud with Drive disabled, but apparently I switched to Dropbox for that reason.

Thanks for being so responsive here! I’ll look into enabling iCloud Drive again :)

2021-09-09 16:04

@MinimalistPass Addendum: Essentially CloudKit Sync would work, Sync through iCloud Drive does not. But again, I totally understand that that’s not high on the priority list (a SwiftUI Mac app would be higher on my list as well :))

2021-09-08 14:52

@MinimalistPass Great, thanks for the reply! It’s an edge case, I totally understand (iCloud Drive will work fine for most users, I’m sure).

Syncing through iCloud alone (not Drive), would work for me, as I am signed in with my iCloud account.

2021-09-08 14:41

@outercorner Hey! I‘m enjoying Secrets a lot so far, but I have a quick question: Are there any plans to sync through other means than iCloud Drive?

I don’t have access to iCloud Drive on a specific user account on my main Mac, so I can’t use Secrets on that machine.

2021-09-08 14:34

@MinimalistPass Hey! I‘m enjoying Minimalist a lot so far, but I have a quick question: Are there any plans to sync through other means than iCloud Drive?

I don’t have access to iCloud Drive on a specific user account on my main Mac, so I can’t use Minimalist on that machine.

2021-09-07 22:56

I’d love to watch an episode of Wormhole Xtreme rn

2021-08-11 21:08

Nestflix: The platform for your favorite nested* films and shows.

*as in a show within a show

2021-08-11 21:05

@RayTski Es ist wirklich ein Träumchen zu sagen, dass irgendeine Sprachpraktik nicht Teil der „gelebten“ (???) Sprache ist.

2021-08-02 20:40

Mehrfach die falsche PIN bei einem fremden Netflix-Profil eingeben ist das digitale Pendant dazu, nachts betrunken die falsche Wohnung aufschließen zu wollen.

2021-07-23 20:47

Great and timely paper on the potential effects of #immunitypassports. It shows that in general, we should be wary not to let our guard down just yet. The pandemic just isn’t over.

2021-07-14 15:39

@kuempelanna Did you teach the tidyverse-stuff as well? Using pipes and the whole tidyverse logic is (imo) very helpful but another layer of abstraction you have to learn, which might be distracting when your new to R.

2021-07-14 13:13

@kuempelanna My "guiding principle" (in big quotes) is: If you can do something with a package you already required, try doing it with that package, even if it’s a little more complicated to do than with a new package.

2021-07-14 13:11

@kuempelanna That is something I’m struggling with as well. Not only in teaching but for my own work.

For data wrangling I try to keep it to the core tidyverse (dplyr, tidyr, stringr) plus magrittr. Depending on the analysis, I’ll add more additional packages (igraph, lavaan, etc).

2021-07-14 13:07

Wo die Zahlen (zumindest in Münster) wieder so aussehen und seit Anfang Juli die Inzidenz (fast) kontinuierlich steigt, sollten sich alle Entscheider*innen diesen Tweet ansehen.

2021-07-09 07:39

@mspro Voll. Die Leute sollen mal Feyerabend lesen (bzw. natürlich nicht, wer hat Zeit für Primärquellen, Wikipedia Artikel reicht wie so oft vollkommen)

2021-06-21 18:47

@Lenafrescamente Den Hashtag (und die dazugehörigen Conversations) haben ich/wir auch schon gezogen. Twitter läuft bei uns ja ;)

2021-06-19 20:19

@eLauk Aller herzlichsten Glückwunsch! 🍾🎊🎈

2021-06-19 18:06

@567N8 @nichtschubsen Warum klingt cross-breeze so viel weniger bedrohlich als _Durchzug_?

2021-06-12 22:50

This case is especially interesting, as the line between unhealthy conspiracy theorizing and healthy skepticism is rather blurred. Studying conspiracy theories becomes even harder when the official version of events gets contested by both rational and irrational actors.

2021-05-28 14:02

If that seems like something you are interested in and you are attending the virtual #ICA21, come watch our presentation!…

2021-05-28 14:02

Some results:
- CTs emerge early and shape the public discourse even before established media sources could comment.
- The vast majority of posts were critical of the official representation of events.
- This skepticism rapidly turned into conspiracy theorizing.

2021-05-28 14:02

To do this, we analyzed a lot of social media posts, posted before and after the death of Jeffrey Epstein and the emergence of the #EpsteinDidntKillHimself meme.

2021-05-28 14:02

We (@Lenafrescamente, Lena Clever & me) analyzed the emergence of a new #ConspiracyTheory on Twitter, Reddit, 4chan, and Gab to understand the interplay between healthy skepticism and conspiracy theorizing and the role alternative media plays in the early moments of a new CT.

2021-05-28 14:02

🧵 1/6
For everybody looking for something to watch at #ICA21 or doesn't have access to the video presentations, here is a quick rundown of our work titled:

"The Seed of Doubt: The Role of Alternative and Established News Media in the Early Moments of a New Conspiracy Theory."

2021-05-28 14:02

So *that‘s* why disinformation travels faster than correct information!

By @SMBCComics:

2021-05-27 21:15

My department @ifkms in Münster is represented with 21 submissions across many different disciplines, from journalism studies, game research, political communication and more! #ICA21

2021-05-27 11:19

With this year's #ICA21 (a big, international communication studies conference) about to start and you are looking for something to watch:…

2021-05-27 11:16

@timpritlove I’d say it’s hard! But it can be understood through though thorough thought, though.

2021-05-21 10:20

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